在美国做一名哑剧演员并不是件容易的事。1972年,我从大学毕业来到了芝加哥。我生命中最激动也是最恐惧的一件事就是我第一次画上白脸,测试自己做一名街头艺人的能力。我选择了城里一个人们经常聚集在一起吃午餐及下棋的地方。 芝加哥的街头艺人会有三个选择:最好的情况
It’s not easy to be a mime actor in the United States. In 1972, I graduated from college to Chicago. One of the most agitated and the most horrified of my life was my first painting of a white face to test my ability to be a street artist. I chose a place in town where people often gather for lunch and chess. Chicago street artists have three options: the best