小肠在人的肠子里,要数小肠最长了。它全长5~8米,能伸缩自如,通常都收缩在体内。小肠的内部都是皱折,大皱折中又有小皱折,其中还有许多突起。如果你小心翼翼地把小肠拉直,那么小肠内壁的总面积就有2 0 0平方米,相当于半个网球场,在上面放一条小木船,是绰绰有余的。血管“生命就是血”。人体需要的氧气和营养,通过血液才能输送到全身各个组织和器官;同时,各个组织和器官在新陈代谢中产生的废物和二氧化碳,
Small intestine in the human intestine, the number of small intestine the longest. It is 5 to 8 meters in length, can be retractable, usually shrink in the body. Intestinal small intestine are crumpled, big wrinkles and small wrinkles, of which there are many protrusions. If you carefully straighten the small intestine, then the total area of the inner wall of the small intestine has 200 square meters, equivalent to half a tennis court, put a small wooden boat above it is more than enough. Blood vessels “life is blood ”. The oxygen and nutrients the body needs can be delivered to all tissues and organs of the body through the bloodstream. At the same time, the waste and carbon dioxide generated by the metabolism of various tissues and organs,