
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AJGSUN
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2007-2008年间,杭州市和全国一样,以猪肉、食用植物油为代表的食品价格出现大幅上涨,对低收入群体基本生活产生较大的影响。为维护社会和谐稳定,打造生活品质之城,让全体人民共享改革发展成果,使低收入群体生活水平不因物价上涨而下降,杭州市物价局大胆探索,在全国率先建立了一套适合本地实际的低收入群体物价补贴“两个联动机制”。 From 2007 to 2008, like other cities in China, the prices of foodstuffs represented by pork and edible vegetable oil rose sharply, which had a great impact on the basic living of low-income groups. In order to maintain social harmony and stability, and create a city of quality of life, so that all people share the fruits of reform and development so that the living standards of low-income groups do not fall due to rising prices. Hangzhou Price Bureau has boldly explored and set up a set of programs that are suitable for local conditions Low-income group price subsidies “two linkage mechanism ”.