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民商法是我国的基础法律,它是我社会主义市场经济体制发展的依据。民商法是民法与商法的综合体,它既包括民法,又包括商法,关乎着社会发展的各个层面,同时民商法也是我国社会主义市场经济内在规律和本质的表现。现代民商法是在传统民商法的基础上发展而来,并正在不断的完善。现代民商法树立系统调整观念能够进一步发展我国民商法,使其适应社会的发展,从而促进我国经济社会的发展。本文首先强调了现代民商法树立系统调整观念的必要性,进而讨论了树立系统调整观念,最后概述了我国现代民商法树立系统调整观念的具体表现,发现现代民商法树立系统调整观念能够更好的调整各种经济关系,促进我国经济发展。 Civil and commercial law is the basic law of our country, and it is the basis for the development of our socialist market economic system. Civil and commercial law is a combination of civil law and commercial law. It includes both civil law and commercial law, and relates to all aspects of social development. Civil and commercial law is also the inherent law and essence of the socialist market economy in our country. Modern civil and commercial law is based on the traditional civil and commercial law developed from, and is constantly improving. To establish the concept of system adjustment in modern civil and commercial law can further develop the Civil and Commercial Law in our country so that it can adapt to the development of society and promote the economic and social development in our country. This paper first emphasizes the necessity of setting up the concept of system adjustment in modern civil and commercial law, and then discusses the concept of system adjustment. Finally, it summarizes the concrete manifestation of the concept of system adjustment in modern civil and commercial law in our country and finds that it is better to establish the concept of system adjustment in modern civil and commercial law Adjust various economic relations and promote China’s economic development.
本文结合我国空管安全风险管理信息系统建设的现状和特点,从系统功能结构、界面设计、查询效率及安全策略方面提出优化方案,并提出优化方案有效实施的保障措施。 Based on t
欧共体竞争法受到欧共体成员国、美国反托拉斯的影响,形成了自己独到的特色。我国应从中受到若干启示。 The EC competition law has been influenced by the member states
在《唐律疏议》中已有非常发达而详细的关于形式责任年龄的规定,其责任年龄分四个阶段,并规定了跨年龄的责任认定,对于今日立法仍有借鉴意义。 There is already a very wel