Dense coding using superpositions of Bell-states is proposed. The generalized Grover’s algorithm is used to prepare the initial entangled states, and the reverse process of the quantum algorithm is used to determine the entangled state in the decoding measurement. Compared with the previous schemes, the superpositions of two Bell-states are exploited. Our scheme is demonstrated using a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer. The corresponding manipulations are obtained. Experimental results show a good agreement between theory and experiment. We also generalize the scheme to transmit eight messages by introducing an additional two-state system.
Dense coding using superpositions of Bell-states is proposed. The generalized Grover’s algorithm is used to prepare the initial entangled states, and the reverse process of the quantum algorithm is used to determine the entangled state in the decoding measurement. Compared with the previous schemes, The scheme is demonstrated using a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer. The corresponding manipulations are obtained. Experimental results show a good agreement between theory and experiment. We also generalize the scheme to transmit eight messages by introducing an additional two-state system.