当今世界,随着大量高新技术不断运用于军事领域,信息化战争已经悄然登上历史舞台。结束于不久前的伊拉克战争美英联军速胜的原因很多,其中信息技术可谓帮了大忙。战争中,美军以信息战为主导,综合运用电子侦察,电子干扰和电子摧毁等手段,实施“全空域,全时域、全频域”的信息作战,从而迅速达成了战役目的。 面对日新月异的世界新军事变革,我们的信息化建设离打赢一场未来高技术条件下的信息战究竟有多少差距?我们的思想观念,训练方式和保障方法等还有哪些不适应?如何走出一条投入较少、效益较高的中国特色的信息化
In today’s world, with a great deal of high-tech being constantly applied to the military field, the information war has quietly boarded the stage of history. There are many reasons for the victory of the U.S.-British coalition forces that ended in the recent Iraq war, in which information technology was a huge help. During the war, the U.S. military led the information warfare. Combatting the use of electronic reconnaissance, electronic jamming and electronic destruction, the U.S. military carried out the “all-airspace, full-time and full-range information” operations and quickly reached the goal of the campaign. In the face of rapidly changing new military revolution in the world, what is the gap between our informatization construction and the information war under the conditions of winning a high-tech future? What are our inadequacies in our ideological concepts, training methods and safeguards? Out of a less investment, high efficiency of the information with Chinese characteristics