我区万安县流坪林果场,1998年春季对 3 000余株20年生积砧尾张温州蜜柑(栽植密度大部分为4m × 3m,少数为 3m × 3m)进行多头高接换种,一般每株高接50~60个芽,高接品种为纽荷尔脐橙。其中100株采取“大树控高腹接法”,每株高接80余个芽。1
In the spring of 1998, more than 3 000 plantlets of 20-year-old anvil anastares Wenzhou Satsuma (mostly planted at a density of 4m × 3m and a few of 3m × 3m) Generally, 50 to 60 shoots are taken from each plant, followed by Newhall navel oranges. One hundred of them take “tree control high belly access method”, each high take more than 80 buds. 1