通过相关系数的气候学方法分析了雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)树木年轮与当地气候因子的关系。结果表明,雪岭云杉对气候变化相当敏感。在天山北坡森林下限,温度和降水是影响雪岭云杉年轮宽度的主要因子。对树木年轮有显著影响的是当年5、6、7三个月的平均温度,上一年的2月也有显著效果。与之对应的南坡森林上限则有一定的差别,较之而言,下限的温度影响要比上限的更加强烈。这说明不同环境梯度上的同一树种对气候变化的响应不尽相同。
The climatological method of correlation coefficient was used to analyze the relationship between the annual rings of Picea schrenkiana trees and local climatic factors. The results show that the snowy spruce is quite sensitive to climate change. The lower limit of forest in the northern slope of Tianshan, temperature and precipitation are the main factors affecting the width of the ring of Spruce. The significant effect on the tree rings is the average temperature of 5,6,7 three months of that year, as well as February of the previous year. Corresponding to the southern slope of the upper limit of the forest there is a certain difference, compared with the lower limit of the temperature impact is more intense than the upper limit. This shows that the same species on different environmental gradients respond differently to climate change.