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在我国宗教工作领域,“积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应”是根本方向,“支持我国宗教坚持中国化方向”是重要任务,“提高宗教工作法治化水平”是可靠保障。从历史和现实来看,“清真食品”本质上是一种不特定人群的饮食风俗习惯,并没有也不应赋予特定的民族和宗教意涵,更不应出现“清真食品泛化”和“泛清真食品化”的问题和倾向。我国现行宪法宗教信仰自由条款是一个精妙的复合结构,既存在着整体性的解释框架和宪定限制,也蕴含着立宪者们维护民族团结、衡平秩序与自由的重大政治考量与立宪决断。在“清真食品立法”等相关宗教问题上,要坚持政教分离原则但不宜简单套用西方话语,而应全面准确理解我国宪法宗教信仰自由条款,充分尊重我国历史传统与现实国情,妥善运用法治思维法治方式加以解释和解决,以坚持我国宗教中国化方向。 In the field of religious work in our country, “actively guiding the conformity between religion and socialism” is the fundamental direction. “It is an important task to support our religion in adhering to the direction of China.” “Improving the level of legalization in religious work” is credible. Protection. Historically and practically, “halal food” is essentially a dietary custom of an unspecified population and does not and should not give specific national and religious connotations, nor should it be “halal food generalization ”And “ pan-halal food ”problems and tendencies. The current constitutional clause of freedom of religious belief in our country is an exquisite compound structure, which not only contains the overall framework of interpretation and constitutional restriction, but also contains significant political considerations and constitutional decisions of the constitutionalists in safeguarding national unity, order and freedom. We should adhere to the principle of separation of church and state but should not simply apply Western discourse on the related religious issues such as “halal legislation”. Instead, we should comprehensively and accurately understand the articles on freedom of religious belief in our constitution, fully respect our historical traditions and actual conditions, and make proper use of the rule of law Thinking and rule of law to be explained and resolved in order to adhere to the direction of China's religion.
在燕赵大地宁晋县,传颂着深明大义、支持儿子安心服役,而自己却用柔弱的肩膀承受着家庭的不幸,用一腔纯朴的真情为国家、为军队分忧的战士好母亲荣淑坤的事迹。 1994年12月1
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离马年虽然还有些日子,但浓浓的年味已溢满了整个神州大地。  在祖国四季如春的南方,花更红了,草更绿了,一册册飘着墨香的《神州民俗》随着春的脚步,带着我们的祝福来到了广大读者朋友的面前:感谢大家多年来对神州民俗的支持和厚爱!感谢大家对祖国传统文化、民俗文化一往情深的感情与寄望!  回望过去的一年,神州民俗虽然得到广大读者朋友的热情欢迎和肯定,但是我们作为一名编辑和记者以及一名普通工作人员,深深地感到
少不看《水浒》,老不看《红楼》,40岁,不老不少的年纪,看什么?枕边一本董桥的《记得》,翻着翻着,就有了“老”的味道。  须作一生拼,尽君今日欢,想起了晏小山《鹧鸪天》里“舞低杨柳楼心月,歌尽桃花扇底风”的句子,那该是怎样的一种青春正年少啊!  十七八岁的某年春天,在故乡的小镇读高三,却没来由地喜欢上了教地理的女老师。窗外鹧鸪声声,窗内是女老师披肩长发湿漉漉的甜甜的若有若无的气息,我会故意地找一些
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