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采用“三当年”快速培育桃树苗技术,可实现当年播种,当年嫁接,苗木当年出圃,可比常规育苗缩短一年时间,且培育出的苗木色绎鲜红,木质化程度高,整形带部位腋芽饱满,苗木高度在1米左右,粗度0.7厘米以上,一级苗比例占80%以上,提高了土地产出率,增加了经济效益。具体技术如下:一、种子处理。为了使毛桃种子播种后出苗快、整齐,在11月下旬~至12月上旬需对毛桃种子进行3个月的砂藏(层积处理),黄砂用量是种子容积的5倍,砂的湿度以手握成团不滴水松开即散为度,将砂与种子混合后放人事先开好的排水良好的塘内或沟内,上面覆盖好,防止雨水进入。二、苗床准备。选择土壤有机质含量高的砂质壤土作为育苗地。事前下足基 The use of “three then the ” rapid cultivation of peach seedlings technology, planting can be achieved then, then grafting, nursery stock that year can be shortened than conventional breeding one year, and nurture the seedlings red, high degree of lignification, plastic belt parts Full axillary buds, seedling height of about 1 meter, the thickness of 0.7 cm or more, the proportion of a seedlings accounted for more than 80%, raising the land yield, increased economic efficiency. Specific techniques are as follows: First, the seed treatment. In order to make the seeds of the peach seed germinate quickly and neatly, the peach seeds need to be stored for 3 months (stratification treatment) from late November to early December. The amount of yellow sand is 5 times of the seed volume. The moisture of the sand Hand into a group does not drip loose release that degree, the sand mixed with the seed after the release of good drainage in good pond or trench, covered above, to prevent rainwater into. Second, seedbed preparation. Select sandy loam soil with high content of organic matter in soil as seedling. Under foot base before