从网络结构的视角审视了区域创新网络鲁棒性问题,利用京津冀131家产学研创新主体的相关数据,基于链接概率和连通性来分析产学研创新网络链接异构与网络鲁棒性关系,构建了链接异构的多网络连通性生成函数模型,以京津冀生物医药产学研创新网络为拓扑样本,实证检验了模型算法的正确性,并结合NetLogo系统仿真方法探讨了产学研创新网络链接异构与鲁棒性的策略与效果.在揭示高校、研究机构的知识原发和中介特性基础上,发现了保护中度节点策略能够有效保障产学研创新网络鲁棒性.“,”To study the relationship between structure heterogeneity and robustness of the University-Industry cooperative networks from the heterogeneity of linked probability and connectedness based on the percolation theory, we present multiple systems generating functions mathematical algorithm for analyzing an interacting network with any connection probability.And then we gather the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei biomedical University-Industry-Institute cooperative network data for topological study.We also verify the correctness of our algorithm.By simulation analyzing, we compare the network robustness effects of different linked probability and compared with the contribution of cooperation between enterprises, universities and research institutes play a key role to network connectedness due to their original innovation and intermediary character.As well as we also find that the moderate degree protection strategy can grantee the network connectedness.