无意插柳柳成荫。一桩接一桩的婚恋,一宗连一宗的喜事,像春风春雨后的野花一样。整齐地绽放在延河两岸。 经军长征结束后,中共中央1935年10月落脚于陕北,众多革命健儿际会于延河之滨。从那以后,延安被誉之为“革命圣地”。 延安,聚集着一群顽强、坚实如钢铁的人们。此地成为“最灵敏而威严的大脑”。这一切,使延安这块土地产生了强大的“磁性”,孕育出无可比拟的诱惑力。天南地北千百万追求光明的热血儿女梦寐陕北,向往延安,纷纷从各地奔赴这一方神奇的黄土地。这在1937年、1938年达到最高潮。据不完全统计,1938年5月至8月,由武汉八路军办事处介
Inadvertently inserted Willow shade. One after another of a marriage, one after another of the wedding, like spring flowers after the spring rain. Neatly blooming in the Yan River. After the end of the military march, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China settled in northern Shan province in October 1935 and many revolutionary athletes will be held on the banks of the Yan River. Since then, Yan’an has been hailed as a “revolutionary shrine.” Yan’an, gathered a group of tenacious, solid, such as steel people. Here to become “the most sensitive and dignified brain.” All this made the land of Yanan have a strong “magnetism” and gave birth to unparalleled allure. Heaven and earth to pursue the bright dreams of northern Shaanxi million dreams, yearn for Yan’an, one after another went from all over to this magical land of yellow. This reached its climax in 1937 and 1938. According to incomplete statistics, May-August 1938 was introduced by the Eighth Route Army Office in Wuhan