云南洞经音乐是云南省特有的一种以民俗祭祀为主要内容的民间音乐,是在中原音乐文化影响下逐渐形成的一个云南地方乐种。 洞经音乐在明、清科学制期间主要流传于举、贡、生、员等文人雅客阶层。奉行儒家礼乐之教,以“移风易俗、敦品励行”为演习音乐的宗旨。建国后活动基本停止。 从20世纪70年代末开始,随着文化政策的开放,在政府文化部门领导下,音乐工作者对云南省的洞经音乐进行了大规模的收集整理,许多乐社藉此得以恢复。1999年,成立了昆明洞经礼乐团。先后在“’99中国昆明世界园艺博览会”、第一、二届“中国昆明国际旅游节”、第三、四届“中国昆明国际艺术节”及2002年北京国际音乐节演出,引起较大反响。
Yunnan Dongjing Music is a unique folk music in Yunnan Province that is mainly composed of folk sacrifices and rituals. It is a local folk music of Yunnan under the influence of Central Plains music and culture. Dongjing music during the Ming and Qing Dynasties mainly spread during the academic system, tribute, students, members and other literati class. Pursuing the Confucian rituals and rites to “move easily customs, Dunpin Li Xing” as the purpose of exercise music. After the founding of the basic activities stopped. Since the late 1970s, with the opening up of cultural policies, under the leadership of the government department of culture, music workers have collected large quantities of Dongjing music in Yunnan Province, and many music clubs have been able to recover it. In 1999, the Kunming Cave Ceremony orchestra was established. The first “China Kunming International Horticultural Exposition”, the first and second “Kunming International Tourism Festival”, the third and fourth “Kunming International Arts Festival” and the 2002 Beijing International Music Festival have aroused great repercussions .