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Monte Carlo (MC) methods are important computational tools for molecular struc-ture optimizations and predictions.When solvent effects are explicitly considered,MC methods become very expensive due to the large degree of freedom associated with the water
In order to investigate the origin of cat-alytic power for serine proteases,the role of the hydrogen bond in the catalytic triad was studied in the proteolysis pro-cess of the peptides chymotrypsin in-hibitor 2 (CI2),MCTI-A,and a hexapep-tide (SUB),respec
We measured the photoelectron spectra of AlnC4-(n=2-4) clusters by using size-selected anion photoelectron spectroscopy.The structures of AlnC4-/0 (n=2-4) clusters were ex-plored with quantum chemistry calculations and were determined by comparing the the
The hierarchical equation of motion method has become one of the most popular nu-merical methods for describ-ing the dissipative dynamics of open quantum systems linearly coupled to environment.How-ever,its applications to sys-tems with strong electron co
Cyano substitution has been established as a viable approach to optimize the performance of all-small-molecule organic solar cells.However,the effect of cyano substitution on the dynamics of photo-charge generation re-mains largely unexplored.Here,we repo
利用设立于珠江口海域具有较高时间分辨率的自动气象站的观测资料,结合欧洲中期天气预报中心再分析逐日数据集ERA-Interim,对珠江口海雾的天气气候特征、环流场及相关的气象和水文因子进行分析研究.结果 表明:海雾日数月际变化显著,海雾盛季为2-4月;日变化特征表现为海雾多生成于夜间—凌晨时段,多消散于早晨—上午时段.珠江口海雾发生的大尺度环流形势可分为冷锋型、均压场型、低压前部型和高压后部型4类,其中冷锋型海雾属于混合雾,其他均属于平流冷却雾.进一步的分析表明,层结稳定且适宜的相对湿度、风速、风向及海-气
Optical excitations of the hy-brids,which are assembled by coupling single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with or-ganic molecules through van der Waals interactions,are studied using ab initio many-body Green\'s function theory.We take the semiconduct
Calcium-release-activated calcium (CARC)channels are one of the major pathways of cal-cium entry in non-excitable cells.Despite a decade or two of research,its regulatory mech-anism is not yet thoroughly understood.The slow progress is due to the complexi
Excess electrons are not only an important source of radiation damage,but also participate in the repair process of radi-ation damage such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD).Using ab initio molecular dynam-ics (AIMD) simulations,we reproduce the single