傅克勤政委凭着对党的忠诚,对国防事业的无限热爱,把大量精力和汗水倾注到预备役部队建设上,雅安预团先后被成都军区、四川省军区和雅安地委、行署、军分区评为“军事训练先进单位”、“基层全面建设先进单位”、“管理工作先进单位”、“正规化建设先进单位”。 “任何时候都要保持军队建设的正确方向” 傅克勤同志经常讲,地方领导到预备役部队是党和人民的信任与重托,我们任何时候都要始终保持军
Fu Keqin political commissar, with loyalty to the party, the infinite love of national defense career, devoted a lot of energy and sweat to the construction of reserve forces, Ya’an Mission has been Chengdu Military Region, Sichuan Military Region and Ya’an Commission, Administrative Office, Military District Evaluation It is an advanced unit in military training, an advanced unit in the grassroots overall construction, an advanced unit in management and an advanced unit in formalization. “The correct direction for army building must be maintained at any time.” Comrade Fu Keqin often said that local leadership to reserve army is the trust and trust of the party and the people. We must always maintain the military at all times