在大田自然环境条件和人工控 温条件下观察 W6154s 育性转换受 温度影响的敏感时期,结 果表明,在日平均温度分别为23 .5 ℃和24 .5 ℃时, W6154s 育性转换中从雌雄蕊形成期至减数分裂期对低温都很敏感,最敏感的时期是减数分裂期。 W6154s 育性转换中对低温最敏感时期和在大田条件下高温敏感期是完全一致的。
The sensitive period of temperature-dependent fertility transformation of W6154s was observed under field conditions of natural environment and artificial temperature control. The results showed that the average daily temperature was 23. 5 ° C and 24 ° C. At 5 ℃, W6154s fertility transition from the formation of stamens to meiosis at low temperature are very sensitive, the most sensitive period is the meiosis. W6154s fertility conversion in the most sensitive period of low temperature and hyperthermia sensitive period in field conditions are exactly the same.