五次孪晶结构是一个典型的结构问题。过去人们深入研究了纳米团簇 (颗粒 )中的多重孪晶现象[1] 。但关于金属纳米线中的五次孪晶结构[2 ] ,特别是孪晶晶界和孪晶关系的问题尚有待深入研究。本文对Ag纳米线中的五次孪晶结构进行了透射电镜研究。图a是Ag纳米线的扫描电镜 (SEM)图
Five twins structure is a typical structural problem. In the past, in-depth study of nanoclusters (particles) multiple twins phenomenon [1]. However, the problem about the five twin structures in metal nanowires [2], especially the relationship between twin boundaries and twins has yet to be further studied. In this paper, five twins in Ag nanowires were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Figure a is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of Ag nanowires