依照全国大骨节病监测方案,1990-1999年甘肃省对大骨节病进行了连续10年病情监测,结果汇总分析如下。1监测内容及方法 在全省大骨节病流行的7个地(州、市)共设省级监测点17个,其中天水北道范河村和庆阳正宁狼牙洼村为全国监测点。17个点分布在陇东黄土高
According to the national program for KBD surveillance, Kashin-Beck disease was monitored for 10 consecutive years in Gansu Province from 1990 to 1999. The results are summarized as follows. A monitoring content and methods In the province of Kaschin-Beck disease epidemic 7 (prefectures and cities) a total of 17 provincial-level monitoring sites, including Tianhe North Road, Fanhe Village and Qingyang Zhengning spine depression is the national monitoring point. 17 points distributed in Longdong loess high