段铸,字鼎臣,陕西耀县城内人,清末民初颇有影响的一位丹青高手。 段氏家族,于明洪武年间由山西迁耀县,历代子孙居官为宦者甚多,属当地名门望族。段铸为段氏传人十四世孙,生于道光十五年(1835年),卒于民国二年(1913年),享年七十有九,这在当时算得上高龄了。 段铸生活在腐败没落的封建社会。在他6岁那年,清廷拱手将香港割与英人,少年段铸目睹祖国灾难深重,以后他在成长的整个过程中,更看透了清王朝的腐败,因此视功名如粪土,无意仕途,只是寄情山水,醉心丹青。他毕竟受时代的限制,加之出身富裕之家,不愁米粮,所以养成了闲适的心态。光绪十四年(1888年),他已五十有四,方游戏人生般地中了科岁贡,以他的学识和才华,一心一意地做起画来。
Duanzhu, word Dingchen, Yao County, Shaanxi city, quite influential at the end of the Republic of China a Danqing masters. Duan’s family, in the Ming Hongwu years from Shanxi Yao Yi County, successive generations of Habitat officials are many, is a local famous family. Duan Shi Duan Shihsuan descendants of the descendants of the fourteen generations, was born in fifteen years Daoguang (1835), died in two years (1913), at the age of seventy nine, which at that time was considered old age. Duanzhu lived in a corrupt feudal society. At the age of six, when the Qing court handed over Hong Kong’s cuttings and Englishmen, the juvenile section cast witnessed the great disaster of the motherland. Afterwards, he grew more thoroughly through the corruption of the Qing dynasty. Therefore, his reputation as dung and unplanned career , Just send love landscapes, drunk Dan. After all, he is subject to the limitations of the times, combined with the wealthy home, worry about rice, so develop a relaxed attitude. In the fourteen years of Guangxu (1888), he had fifty-four years of age, and his career as a tribute to his life as a tributeist, with his knowledge and talent, devoted himself to painting.