获得性肝脑变性是临床少见的慢性脑病,以冻结步态为首发症状的病例更是罕见。文中报道1例肝硬化门-腔静脉分流术后、神经症状以冻结步态为首发表现的患者,头颅磁共振成像显示Tn 1WI两侧苍白球对称高信号。根据肝病既往史、临床表现及特殊影像学表现诊断为获得性肝脑变性。住院及随访过程提示宣教及助步器等物理治疗效果好。n “,”Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration is a rare chronic encephalopathy, especially in patients with freezing of gait as the first symptom. A patient with freezing of gait as the first manifestation of neurological symptoms after portacaval shunt for cirrhosis is reported. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging Tn 1WI image showed symmetrical hypersignal of globus pallidus on both sides. Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration was diagnosed according to the previous history, clinical manifestations and special imaging findings of liver disease. The hospitalization and follow-up process suggested that the physical therapy such as gait guidance and using walkers was effective.n