警务公开是社会经济文化发展到一定历史阶段的时代产物,它的酝酿、萌芽、产生、发展都有其深刻的社会历史背景。 一、当代民主制度的发展和公民权利意识的增强 (一)中国民主制度建设的发展 24年的改革开放,使中国产生了翻天覆地的变化,时间虽短,但中国公民的权利意识、民主观念和国家民主制度建设,经历了一个萌动、迅速发展、日趋成熟的演变过程,呈现出“从相对模糊、松散和同质的状态向明确、紧凑和异质的状态转
Publicity of police affairs is the product of the times when the social economy and culture have reached a certain historical stage. Its brewing, budding, emergence and development have profound social and historical backgrounds. I. Development of Modern Democracy and Citizens ’Rights Consciousness (I) Development of China’s Democratic Institutions Reform and opening up in the past 24 years has brought about earth-shaking changes in China. Although time is short, Chinese citizens’ awareness of rights and democracy The construction of the national democratic system has undergone a process of evolution that has started, developed rapidly and matured. It shows that "from a relatively fuzzy, loose and homogeneous state to a clear, compact and heterogeneous state