产业转型升级求突破 建设宜居宜业宜游新綦江

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綦江区认真贯彻实施五大功能区域发展战略,紧扣城市发展新区功能定位,围绕产业转型升级发展区、城郊休闲旅游度假区、山地现代农业示范区、渝黔合作共赢先行区和现代山水田园城市“四区一城”建设,把推动产业转型升级摆在突出位置,全力打造产业链条完善、规模效应明显、核心竞争力突出、支撑作用强大的产业集群。加快发展以铝精深加工为主的新型材料、以汽摩整车及零部件生产为主的装备制造、以节能建材为主的现代化建筑产业等主导产业,大力 Hanjiang District conscientiously implement the five functions of the regional development strategy, closely linked to the functional orientation of urban development zone, around the industrial transformation and upgrading of the development zone, suburban leisure and tourism resorts, mountain modern agricultural demonstration area, win-win cooperation and win-win precedent area and modern landscape garden city “Four districts and one city ” construction, to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading in a prominent position, to create a full industrial chain, the scale effect is obvious, the core competitiveness prominent, strong supporting industrial clusters. Accelerate the development of new materials mainly based on deep processing of aluminum, equipment manufacturing mainly based on automobile and automobile production of vehicle parts and components, modernized construction industry dominated by energy-saving building materials and other leading industries.
摘 要:随着近几年来,国家几度增加对国家教育的投入,深化高校教育改革,切实提高高校的教育水平。我国高校的教育改革紧跟着国家教育改革的新政策,强化学生的素质教育,在高校的体育教学中注重对情感教育的渗透,文章从情感教育的教学现象来分析,探讨切实可行的改进方法。  关键词:体育教学;情感教育;素质教育  社会需要有知识有才华的学子,但更需要有健康的身体素质和良好的心理素质,这也是新时期国家强化教育改革,