
来源 :中国公路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tkzcsl
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随着高速公路工程质量标准的不断提高以及建成高速公路出现的桥面铺装水毁破坏及板底渗漏现象,桥面防水作为桥面铺装的组成部分,越来越被引起重视。钢筋混凝土梁的负弯矩处及钢筋砼桥面板在经受车辆重复荷载的震动、冲击、拉伸、剪切等力学性能的影响,以及由于温度、气候变化引起膨胀、收缩后,往往会产生细微裂缝而引起桥面渗水及漏水,致使钢筋锈蚀,影响桥梁的耐久性。为了延长桥梁的使用寿命,减少维修费用,在水泥混凝土桥面板上喷涂防水涂料,形成防水膜,以达到桥面 With the continuous improvement of expressway engineering quality standards, as well as the water damage and the seepage phenomenon of the deck pavement on the expressway, the deck waterproofing has drawn more and more attention as an integral part of the deck pavement. The negative moment of reinforced concrete beams and the mechanical properties such as vibration, impact, tensile and shear of the reinforced concrete bridge deck subjected to repeated vehicle loading often cause subtle expansion after expansion and contraction due to temperature and climate change Cracks caused by water seepage and leakage of the bridge, resulting in corrosion of steel, affecting the durability of the bridge. In order to extend the service life of the bridge, reduce maintenance costs, spray the waterproof coating on the concrete bridge deck to form a waterproof membrane to reach the deck
以德修身、以德立威、以德服众,是党员干部成长成才的重要因素。全面从严治党,既要注重规范惩戒、严明纪律底线,更要引导人向善向上,发挥理想信念和道德情操的引领作用。党员干部要自觉地讲道德、尊道德、守道德,继承中华传统美德,弘扬党的优良作风,培育社会主义核心价值观,追求健康的工作方式和生活方式,做社会主义道德的示范者、引领者、维护者,永葆共产党人的政治本色和品格操守。  按照中央和省委“两学一做”学习教