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目的通过分析发热伴血小板减少综合征确诊病例的就诊过程、临床特征与流行病学调查结果,为该病的科学防控提供依据。方法采用描述性流行病学分析法,分析2013年大连市34例发热伴血小板减少综合征病例的临床资料及流行病学特征。结果病例主要居住在丘陵山区,多为中老年人,平均发病年龄为63.71岁,以从事农业生产和农村家务劳作为主;发病起始月为5、10月,发病与蜱的消长周期一致;病例大多起病急,发热为主要症状,因初期症状与流感、胃肠炎症状相似,从发病到临床诊断平均所需时间为5.6d,历经村、县、市三级医疗机构;病例多表现为进行性WBC、PLT计数下降。结论发热伴血小板减少综合征病例是一种可防可治的疾病,应加强培训,提高对本病的认识,做到早诊断、早治疗,减少疾病危害。 Objective To provide basis for the scientific prevention and control of the disease by analyzing the course of treatment, clinical features and epidemiological findings of the patients with fever and thrombocytopenia syndrome. Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was used to analyze the clinical data and epidemiological characteristics of 34 cases of fever with thrombocytopenia in 2013 in Dalian. Results The cases mainly lived in hilly and mountainous areas, mostly middle-aged and elderly people, with an average age of 63.71 years old, mainly engaged in agricultural production and rural housework. The onset month of onset was 5 and 10 months, Most cases of acute onset, fever as the main symptom, due to the initial symptoms and symptoms of influenza, gastroenteritis similar to the time from onset to clinical diagnosis of the average time required for 5.6d, after the village, county and municipal medical institutions; multiple cases For progressive WBC, PLT counts decreased. Conclusion Fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome is a preventable and curable disease. Training should be strengthened to raise awareness of the disease so that it can be diagnosed and treated early and harm of the disease reduced.
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