Genetics, Development, and Application of Cytoplasmic Herbicide Resistance in Foxtail Millet

来源 :城市道桥与防洪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Blue0220
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The effect of cytoplasmic herbicide resistant gene in millet plants was studied. The heterozygous populations and isogenic lines with homocaryotic alloplasmic genes were obtained by crossing and reciprocal crossing of cytoplasmic herbicide resistant plants with susceptive plants of foxtail millet. The characters of F1, F2, backcross and composite cross groups, and the growth and development of isogenic lines were compared. The cytoplasmic herbicide resistant gene slowed the development of seedling, delayed heading, and shortened the milking stage in the foxtail millet plant. Yield capacity and main agronomic characters were all affected by the cytoplasmic herbicide resistant gene in most of the backcross, composite cross, and F2 populations. However, there was stronger hybrid vigor in F1. The backcrosses,composite crosses, and F2 populations were widely separated and some of them had good characters similar to those of susceptive groups. The plant characters and development of foxtail millet were negatively affected by the cytoplasmic herbicide resistant gene. The authors proposed a method of using hybrid vigor to obtain high yield and avoid the negative effects of herbicide resistance cytoplasm in plant growth. The expected results could be obtained by selecting individuals in separate populations of fast developed seedlings, well-developed roots, and with capacities of early heading and fast milking. Guided by the principal mentioned above, many high yield lines and hybrid crosses of foxtail millet with herbicide resistant cytoplasm were obtained.
目的 探讨腹式深呼吸训练对胃食管反流病患者消化道症状群和心理症状群的影响.方法 便利选取2017年7月-2018年2月某三级甲等医院消化科门诊的胃食管反流病患者80例,随机分为
目的 探讨髌骨软骨退变Outerbridge分级对保留髌骨型全膝关节置换术疗效的影响.方法 对2007年2月至2010年1月因膝关节退变性骨关节炎行保留髌骨型全膝关节置换术的151例进行回顾性分析.男65例,女86例;年龄56~82岁,平均(65±5.0)岁.随访时间2~5年,平均3.5年.术中对髌骨软骨退变分级的评定采用Outerbridge标准,统计末次随访时不同髌骨软骨退变分级患者的满意度及