
来源 :中国废钢铁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonytanli
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今年巴西出口铁矿石的报价以71.5%的幅度暴涨,在世界铁矿石市场上引起很大的振荡。不管各国接受与否,暴涨已成定势,作为炼钢的主要原料,废钢铁和生铁市场也相继受到了强烈的冲击。一个无形的资源恐慌的阴影正向我国废钢铁市场铺天盖地笼罩而来。“71.5%的涨价”风暴是否能像海啸一样撼动中国的废钢铁市场,使其随之暴涨暴跌,失控无序,重蹈1994~1995年和2003~-2004年两年大起大落的覆辙。这是我国废钢铁行业业内人士和政府相关管理部门的各级官员近期高度关注和研究的焦点。我们协会的回答是否定的:冲击是不可避免的,应对措施得力,市场应是稳定的,不会暴涨暴跌造成资源恐慌。不会因废钢资源供给不足而影响我国钢铁工业的发展。具体分析如下: This year Brazil’s iron ore export price soared 71.5% margin, causing a great shake in the world iron ore market. Regardless of whether countries accept or not, soaring inflation has become a trend. As the main raw material for steelmaking, the scrap iron and pig iron markets have also been strongly impacted one after another. The shadow of an invisible resource panic is overwhelmingly shrouded in China’s scrap market. “The 71.5% Price Rise” Can the storm shake China’s scrap market like a tsunami, causing it to skyrocket and run out of order in the wake of the tsunami, repeating the ups and downs of the two years 1994-1995 and 2003-2004 . This is the focus of recent attention and research by officials at all levels in the industry of scrap steel industry and related government departments. Our association’s answer is no: impact is inevitable, effective measures to deal with, the market should be stable, will not cause skyrocketing resources scare panic. Will not affect the development of China’s steel industry due to insufficient supply of scrap resources. Specific analysis is as follows:
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波兰有个名为亚斯沃的小镇,前不久,镇长库罗夫斯卡发布了一个公投:是否砍伐掉一棵高达12米的橡树。此树是二战时期为纪念希特勒53岁生日而种植的。  1942年4月20日,战争狂人阿道夫·希特勒53岁生日,他用纳粹旗帜包裹住一棵橡树苗,运抵亚斯沃镇,并举行了盛大的栽种仪式。两年后,纳粹军队败退,那颗橡树躲过了灾难,而且长到现在的12米。  公投决定发布后,立即引起全镇居民的热议,形成了赞成派和反对派两
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