读书,特别是读那些意蕴丰厚或含蓄隽永的作品,要能真正把握其主旨,品出其“言外之意”、“象外之旨”,这自然涉及阅读中的诸多因素,但其中很重要的一个方面便是阅读者必须做到“知人论世”。 “知人论世”说出于《孟子·万章下》,孟子说:“以友天下之善士为未足,又尚论古之人。颂其诗,读其书,不知其人,可乎?是以论其世也,是尚友也。”意谓和优秀人物交友还不够,还须追论古人。吟咏他们的诗,阅读他们的书,不了
Reading, especially those works that contain rich or subtle meanings, should really grasp its essence, produce its “implication” and “outward appearance”. This naturally involves many factors in reading, but one of the most important In the aspect of reading, readers must do “know the world”. Mencius said: “It is not enough for the benevolent people in the world, but also for the ancient people.” To sing their poems and read their books, I do not know who they are, It is also based on the theory of his life is also a friend. "Means that making friends with good people is not enough, but also chase the ancients. It is impossible to chant their poems and read their books