一、类别危害 吸果夜蛾的种类居多,危害苹果常见种类有:乌嘴壶夜蛾、嘴壶夜蛾、枯叶夜蛾、枯叶夜蛾和毛翅夜蛾,均属鳞翅目夜蛾科。国内分布范围很广,除东北和华北北部果区少见以外,其他果区均有发生,尤以南方果区被害较重。寄主除苹果外,还有梨、桃、李、葡萄等果树。以成虫危害成熟
First, the type of harm Most types of fruit-bearing moths, the most common types of harm to apple: Potentilla frugiperda, Moth, moth, moth, and lepidopterous are lepidoptera nocturnal Moth family. A wide range of domestic distribution, in addition to the northeast and north of North China rare fruit, the other areas have occurred, especially in the southern area heavier victims. Host addition to the apple, there are pears, peaches, plums, grapes and other fruit trees. Adults mature harm