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国际油气投资项目突出特点为期限长、数额大、风险高,因而油气项目百万吨产能投资水平的高低,直接影响着项目的经济效益。一般情况下,项目投资额度的确定是油公司在编制年度投资计划最重要的指标之一,而年度计划的编制也是公司计划管理工作的重要组成部分。当前,编制投资计划的工作方法是以传统核准工作量为基础制定项目年度投资计划,还不能从经济效益出发核定项目产能投资水平,具有一定的局限性。在此背景之下,笔者根据多年从事国际油气投资项目评估及计划编制工作的经验,提出将百万吨产能投资临界值应用于油公司的投资计划编制工作之中,该指标以项目的经济效益为前提,弥补了当前单纯地以具体工作量为基础的投资计划管理工作的不足,是一个科学有效的方法。临界值概念缘于物理学,在物理学中物质因为能量的不同而会有物理性质的改变(例如:由于温度的提高,冰变成水,水变成水蒸气),改变前的极限即为临界值。而将物理学中的临界值引入到经济领域,主要是反映经济因素随外部因素变化而使其经济性发生变化。将临界值的概念扩展到石油领域,目的是探究该领域敏感性因素—投资,以石油项目经济性为前提,测算百万吨产能投资临界值,作为编制项目投资计划的基础。 The salient features of international oil and gas investment projects are long term, large amounts and high risks, so the investment level of millions of tons of oil and gas projects directly affects the economic benefits of the project. Under normal circumstances, the project investment limit is determined by the oil companies in the preparation of an annual investment plan, one of the most important indicators, and the preparation of the annual plan is also an important part of the company’s plan management. At present, the preparation of the investment plan work method is based on the traditional approved workload of the project annual investment plan, but also can not proceed from the economic benefits approved project investment capacity, has some limitations. Under this background, based on the experience of many years engaged in the evaluation and planning of international oil and gas projects, the author proposes to apply the investment threshold of one million tons of capacity to the preparation of the investment plan of oil companies, which is based on the project’s economic benefits As a prerequisite to make up for the current lack of investment plan management based solely on the specific workload is a scientific and effective method. The concept of the threshold is due to physics. In physics, matter changes its physical properties due to different energies (for example, due to the increase of temperature, the ice turns into water and the water turns into water vapor). The limit before the change is Threshold. However, the introduction of the critical value in physics into the economic field mainly reflects the change of economic factors with the changes of external factors. The concept of critical value is extended to the petroleum field. The purpose is to explore the sensitive factor in this field - investment. Calculating the critical investment value of 1 million tons of capacity based on the economic efficiency of petroleum projects, as the basis for formulating the project investment plan.
摘要:农村体育教学工作不好做。作为农村中学的体育教师,在教学过程中,要做到端正教学思想、提升业务水平、有针对性教学、讲究教学方法和注重知识更新,这样才能够上好体育课,才能够提高体育课的教学质量。  关键词:体育教学;心得;交流  中圖分类号:G633.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2018)03-0030  近年来,体育运动越来越受到人们的重视,世界几乎所有国家都花费大量资金
结合浙江某高速公路工程中半刚性基层水泥稳定碎石的施工实践,介绍水泥稳定碎石基层配合比设计、施工控制要点,为进一步提高水泥稳定碎石基层的质量提出一些参考建议。 Comb
摘要:平山县前大地村位于合河口乡,地处西部深山区,是一个典型的太行深山贫困村,脱贫攻坚政策实施以来,前大地村依靠驼梁景区旅游业带来的产业链效应,大力发展住宿餐饮旅游业,但作为精准扶贫的重点地区,该地区的开发还存在许多问题,本文结合驼梁景区进行分析,从精准扶贫的重要意义出发,具体阐述该地区精准扶贫发展存在的问题,最后提出解决措施从而积极推进精准扶贫。  关键词:景区开发;精准扶贫;问题;对策  利用