“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”是中央领导同志提出的宣传思想战线必须长期坚持的工作原则。这个原则不仅适用于包括报刊在内的所有媒体,对于报刊审读也是完全适用的。 审读是报刊管理的传统制度和有效形式,报刊是审读的主要工作对象。审读必须与报刊的兴衰同进退,共存荣。报刊宣传所依据的方针、政策、原则的落实情况,更是审读应当关注的重点内容。在报刊审读中坚持“三贴近”,体现了审读对
“Being practical, living close to the masses and close to the masses” is a working principle that the leading cadres in the propaganda and ideological fields must persistently persevere put forward by the central leading comrades. This principle applies not only to all media, including newspapers, but also to news media. Reading is the traditional system and effective management of newspapers and magazines, newspapers and magazines is the main object of reading. Reading must be with the rise and fall of the newspaper advance and retreat, coexistence and glory. The implementation of the guidelines, policies and principles on which newspapers and periodicals are propagated is the key content to be read. Adhere to the “Three Closeness” in the Press Review, Embodying the Right Reading