甲醛对人体是有损害的,但资料不多,笔者近期查到点滴资料,综述于下,供同道参考。 一、甲醛对人体的损害 甲醛是一种易溶于水的无色、有毒、有刺激性的气体,能使人和动物的神经中毒。化学合剂甲醛是否是致癌物?这个问题最近在德国引起广泛争论。科学家对动物实验表明,甲醛有显著致癌作用。在电台和报纸关于甲醛致癌的消息发表后,有关专家已提出禁止生产甲醛建议,联邦德国公民自主环境保护联合会还要求禁止用甲醛做房屋内
Formaldehyde is harmful to the human body, but little information, I recently found bit of information, summarized in the next, for fellow reference. First, formaldehyde damage to the human body Formaldehyde is a water-soluble colorless, toxic, irritating gas that can make people and animals neurotoxic. Is Chemical Formaldehyde a Carcinogen? This issue has caused widespread controversy in Germany recently. Scientists on animal experiments show that formaldehyde has a significant carcinogenic effect. In the radio and newspaper on formaldehyde carcinogenic news, the relevant experts have proposed to ban the production of formaldehyde, the Federal German Federal Association for Private Environmental Protection also asked to prohibit the use of formaldehyde inside the house