牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews),是毛茛科芍药属落叶小灌木。作为我国特有的木本名贵花卉,旧名还有木芍药、鼠姑、鹿韭、白术、百雨金、花王、洛阳花、国色天香、富贵花等,原产于我国的长江流域与黄河流域诸省山间或丘岭中,散生于海拔1500米左右的山坡和林缘。若从《诗经》牡丹进入诗歌算起,约3000年前我国人民就认识了牡丹,而开始应用牡丹是把其作为药用植物的,据秦汉时代的
Peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews), Ranunculaceae Paeonia is a deciduous shrub. As the unique woody flower of our country, the old name is also wood peony, rat pup, deer leek, Atractylodes, Baiyujin, Kao, Luoyang flower, national fragrance, rich flowers, native to China’s Yangtze River and the Yellow River Mountain provinces or Qiu Ling, scattered at an altitude of 1,500 meters above the hillsides and forest edge. From the time when the Peony of the Book of Songs began its poetry, about 3,000 years ago our people knew the peony and started to use it as a medicinal plant. According to the historical data of the Qin and Han Dynasties