目的研究高温干热处理技术对医疗废弃物的消毒效果。方法采用载体定量杀菌试验方法及空气微生物采样器采样培养方法,对某城市医疗垃圾高温处理法消毒效果及其现场空气细菌污染的影响进行了观察。结果在高温(干热)反应罐内温度170℃~200℃范围,80 kPa负压条件下作用20 min,可使置于医疗废物中不锈钢载体上和塑料管腔内污染的枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢杀灭对数值达到5.0以上。医疗废弃物处理现场室内空气中未见细菌污染超标。结论该高温干热处理设备对医疗废弃物处理杀菌效果好,处理效率较高,对其周围环境空气质量无明显影响。
Objective To study the disinfection effect of high temperature dry heat treatment on medical waste. Methods The quantitative disinfection test method and air sampler sampling culture method were used to observe the disinfection effect of high temperature treatment of medical waste in a city and the bacterial contamination of air in the field. Results In the high temperature (dry heat) reaction tank temperature 170 ℃ ~ 200 ℃ range, 80 kPa negative pressure conditions for 20 min, can be placed in the medical waste stainless steel carrier and plastic pipe contamination of Bacillus subtilis Kill the number reached 5.0 or more. Medical waste treatment at the scene no indoor air pollution exceeded. Conclusion The high-temperature dry-heat treatment equipment has a good sterilization effect on medical waste treatment and high treatment efficiency, and has no obvious effect on the ambient air quality.