Surface Cleaning or Activation? Control of Surface Condition Prior to Thermo-Chemical Heat Treatment

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godmouse
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Actual heat treatment processes must face increasing specifications with reference to process quality, safety and results in terms of reproducibility and repeatability. They can be met only if the parts’ surface condition is controlled during manufacturing and, especially, prior to the treatment. An electrochemical method for the detection of a steel part’s surface condition is presented, together with results, consequences, and mechanisms concerning surface pre-treatment before the thermochemical process. A steel surface’s activity or passivity can be detected electrochenucalry, independently from the chemical background. The selected method was the recording of potential vs. time curves at small constant currents, using a miniaturized electrochemical cell, a (nearly) non-destructive electrolyte and a potentio-galvanostatic setup. The method enables to distinguish types of surface contamination which do not interfere with the thermochemical process, from passive layers which do and must be removed. Whereas some types of passive layers can be removed using conventional cleaning processes and agents, others are so stable that their effects can only be overcome by applying an additional activation pre-treatment, e.g. oxynitriding. Actual heat treatment processes must face increasing specifications with reference to process quality, safety and results in terms of reproducibility and repeatability. They can be met only if the parts’ surface condition is controlled during manufacturing and, especially, prior to the treatment. An electrochemical method for the detection of a steel part of surface condition is presented, together with results, consequences, and mechanisms concerning surface pre-treatment before the thermochemical process. A selected article method was the recording of potential vs. time curves at small constant currents, using a miniaturized electrochemical cell, a (nearly) non-destructive electrolyte and a potentio-galvanostatic setup. The method enables to distinguish types of surface contamination which do not interfere with the thermochemical process, from passive layers which do and mu Whereas some types of passive layers can be removed using conventional cleaning processes and agents, others are so stable that their effects can only be overcome by applying an additional activation pre-treatment, e.g. oxynitriding.
例1 吴××男74岁住院号193931 1989年6月20日在外院行右眼白内障囊外摘除并植入后房型人工晶体。术后1个月,右眼红、痛,视物模糊。当地医院检查发现人工晶体脱入前房,转入
作者查阅了1988年1月至1989年9月5012例外伤病历,其中眼外伤1091例占21.3%,进行法医学分析。现报告如下: The author consulted the medical records of 5012 trauma cases
降本增效是零部件厂永久的主题 汽车整车厂永恒的追求之一是降本增效。这同样也是提供配套的零部件企业的追求。 90年代,日趋激烈的市场竞争,迫使整车厂从采购单个零部件,到
儿童眼外伤在我国发生率很高,严重影响儿童的身心健康。我组对天门市几家医院收治的儿童眼外伤进行调查,报告如下。 Ocular trauma in children in our country a high inc