进入2002年,北京博惠思华软件公司的总经理申刚正开始为自己手中这家企业的未来感到有些担忧.压力来自于用友、金蝶等这样的市场新进入者.继财务系统之后,转型成为ERP开发商的用友、金蝶将人力资源(HR)系统放在了重要的位置,今年4月,金蝶自主研发的新产品已经开始宣传,用友也正在紧锣密鼓地筹备.相形“,”It is alleged that many small software companies are lining up for acquisitions by Users Soft, Kingdee, and China digital, public companies believed to have strong cash flow for acquisition. Meanwhile, those public companies are also very active toward acquisition. The reason is simple: some small companies can hardly stay in solvency in an environment where the capital market is very weak, share prices plummet and venture capital find no exits. The increasing intensity of competition gives rise to the increasing incurrence of merges and acquisitions.However, nowadays to sell yourself is not always an easy thing. For those small software companies, to be acquired is a better way than to experience hard times, especially with thinning pocket money. To be acquired by a brand-sound big potato at least proves that you are worth it. Therefore, those software companies that have developed sound customer bases are the focus of the buyers, because enterprise application is considered the most potential market in China' s software market.