
来源 :中国工业医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheen
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随着科学技术的发展,全身振动的职业危害已引起国内外研究者的重视,国外50年代已有报道,而我国近几年才开始研究。我们在完成国家“七五”攻关课题时,发现全身振动对驾驶员的职业损伤主要是脊柱关节的改变。本项研究为探讨全身振动对脊柱骨关节的损伤,并觅寻健康监护和有价值的诊断指标,为制定我国的卫生标准提供依据。 With the development of science and technology, the occupational hazards of whole body vibration have attracted the attention of researchers at home and abroad. The overseas 50 years have been reported, and our country only started to study in recent years. When we completed the national “Seventh Five-Year” research project, we found that occupational vibration of the driver’s occupational injuries are mainly changes in the spine joint. This study is to explore the whole body vibration damage to the spine and joint, and seek health care and valuable diagnostic indicators, to provide the basis for the development of China’s health standards.