男性读不懂女性讲话 男性与女性之间,不能说谁是更好的交际者——只是风格不同罢了。为了使企业更具活力,有必要去了解这种男女之间的交际差异。 在当今文化背景下成长的女性,时常被教导说逢事不要太较真儿——不要大吵大闹,不要有棱角,不要好胜心太强。那么,怎么能让她们表达出自己的不同见解呢?通常情况下,她们会采用一些间接的渠道,如提问等,来使你重新审视她们的立场、计划或观点等。当然,有时她们也会采用一些传统的方法来获取一定信息。 而男性则相反,他们不善于识别出这种间接信息或捕捉到别人言行上的细微差异。简单地说,男性不善于正确把握女性的话语含义,不善于理解女性的问题,其原因如下:
Men can not read women talk between men and women, can not say who is a better communicator - just different styles. In order to make the business more dynamic, it is necessary to understand the communicative differences between men and women. Women growing up in today’s cultural context are often taught not to be too serious about everything - do not get bogged down, do not have edges and corners, do not be too aggressive. So, how can we let them express their different opinions? Usually, they will use some indirect channels, such as asking questions to make you re-examine their position, plan or opinion. Of course, sometimes they also use some traditional methods to obtain certain information. On the contrary, men are not good at identifying such indirect information or capturing nuances of words and actions of others. In short, men are not good at correctly grasping the meanings of women and are not good at understanding women for the following reasons: