三清山坐落于江西省上饶市东北部,素有“天下第一仙山,世上无双福地”之美誉,因玉京、玉华、玉虚三座山峰如三清(即玉清、上清、太清)列坐群山之巅而得名。2008年7月,三清山被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》。三清山以自然山峦风光称绝。其在14亿年的地质变动中,形成了举世无双的花岗岩峰林地貌。 “奇峰怪石、古树名花、流泉飞瀑、云海雾涛”并称为自然四绝。三清山现已开发的奇峰有48座,怪石有52处,景物景观500余处。
Sanqingshan is located in northeastern Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, known as “the best in the world, the world unparalleled blessed land” reputation as Yujing, Yuhua, Yu-yu three peaks such as Sanqing (ie, Yuqing, supernatant, Too clear) named after the top of the mountains. In July 2008, Sanqingshan Mountain was approved by UNESCO as “World Heritage List.” Sanqingshan Mountains to the natural scenery. Its 1.4 billion years of geological changes, the formation of the world’s unique granite peak landforms. “Qifeng rocks, the old tree flowers, waterfalls, sea of clouds fog” and called the natural four. There are 48 Qifeng mountains that have been developed in Sanqingshan. There are 52 rock formations and more than 500 landscapes.