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采用色散搭配技术进行了1Gbit/s,52.68km的孤子传输实验,实验表明采用色散搭配技术传输孤子时存在着合理地组合光纤的问题,相同的组合即使入纤方向改变,孤子传输的稳定性以及为了实现一阶孤子传输所需要的能量也是不同的,采用合理的色散搭配技术有利于孤子的稳定传输。 The experiments of 1Gbit / s, 52.68km soliton transmission are carried out by the chromatic dispersion collocation technique. Experiments show that there is a reasonable combination of optical fibers when the soliton is transported by the chromatic dispersion technology. The stability of the soliton transmission can be improved even if the fiber orientation changes. And the energy needed for the first-order soliton transmission are also different. The reasonable dispersion collocation technology is conducive to the stable transmission of solitons.
误区一:报考前都要学过小语种  有些学生认为,报考小语种专业的考生肯定会提前学过那个语种,就像报考英语专业的考生英语成绩一定要优秀一样。事实上,几乎所有招收小语种专业的高校在招生考试时考的都是英语试题。只有日语专业招生时,个别学校才规定,考生既可以考英语试题,也可以考日语试题。不论是哪种试题,其命题范围与全国统一高考规定的命题范围都大致相同。  误区二:小语种专业都是提前单招  自2011年开始,