Female patient, 17 years old. Due to chronic tonsillitis in December 22, 1997 morning tonsillectomy. Patients with procaine skin test positive, so the surgery with 0.5% lidocaine 15ml left around the tonsil infiltration anesthesia, anesthesia effect, the removal of the left tonsil, hemostasis, the preparation for resection of the right tonsil, the patient suddenly systemic twitches Loss of consciousness. Tight shut. Breathing stopped at this time, the aortic pulse disappeared. Immediately let patients own supine position and thoracic heart pressure, ventilator mask oxygen, intravenous dexamethasone 10mg, 10% calcium gluconate 10ml added 5% glucose 100ml intravenous infusion, about 2min after the recovery of patient awareness, autonomy Respiratory recovery, P100 / min, BP13 / 8kPa, continue low flow oxygen, suspension of surgery, sent back to the ward observation. Discussion 0.5% lidocaine 0.5% used in this case only contains lidocaine 75mg, far from the toxic dose, so consider this case of lidocaine-induced anaphylactic shock. Lidocaine as a hapten to stimulate the body mast cells, basophils produce histamine, bradykinin, etc.