【作家作品简介】富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin,1706~1790),美国开国元勋之一,在政治、文学和科学等领域都有所建树。他出身贫寒,依靠自己的努力克服重重困难,攀上人生巅峰,随后又投身社会服务,被认为是美国梦的化身。富兰克林的人生轨迹可以用“修身齐家治国平天下”来概括。在他年轻困顿的时候,富兰克林刻苦奋斗,培养美德;在他获
【Introduction to Writers Works】 Benjamin Franklin (1706 ~ 1790), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, has made great achievements in such fields as politics, literature and science. He was poor and dependent on his own efforts to overcome numerous difficulties, climb to the pinnacle of his life, and later joined the social services, is considered an incarnation of the American dream. Franklin’s life trajectory can be “self-cultivation Qi family rule the country ” to summarize. Franklin worked hard to raise his virtues when he was young and sleepy; when he was