春天来了,农民伯伯又要忙着到田里播种。春姑娘带着春雨弟弟来帮忙。春姑娘每到一处都给那里的人们带来许多欢乐和喜悦。春姑娘的到来,唤醒了整个大地上的生命,那些小动物在洞穴里整整睡了一个冬季, 春天一到,它们都走出洞穴,到外面呼吸新鲜空气,寻找它们的小伙伴。瞧!春姑娘来到西樵山上。让山上山下到处都是绿油油的,远远望去,就像一个绿色的海洋——无边无际。不时看见小鸟站在高高的树上,唧唧地叫着,那是小鸟们在“歌唱”。春天,不但是树木、花朵、小草发芽、开花,燕子还
Spring is coming, and peasant uncle is busy planting in the fields. Spring girl with spring rain brother to help. Everywhere spring girls bring joy and joy to the people there. The arrival of the spring girl awakened the life on the entire earth. The animals slept in the caves for a winter. As soon as the spring came, they both walked out of the caves and breathed fresh air outside to find their companions. Look! Spring girl came to Xiqiao Hill. Let the mountains are lush green everywhere, from afar, just like a green ocean - boundless. From time to time to see the birds standing tall trees, shouting chirp, it is the birds singing. Spring, not only trees, flowers, grass sprouting, flowering, swallow also