模拟几种生产中的肥水管理措施 ,综合研究了 12个冬小麦品种氮素的吸收与利用特性 ,结果表明 :不同品种冬小麦在氮素的吸收与利用特性上均存在一定的差异。产量表现最好的几个品种均具有较高的氮利用效率和较强的氮素吸收能力。从生产及养分资源的角度考虑 ,未来品种的选择在保证一定产量的前提下 ,应具有较高的氮利用效率、较强的氮素吸收能力以及收获期较低的秸秆含氮量
Several fertilizer production and management measures were simulated to study the nitrogen absorption and utilization characteristics of 12 winter wheat cultivars. The results showed that there were some differences in nitrogen absorption and utilization characteristics among different winter wheat cultivars. Several cultivars with the highest yield performance had high nitrogen use efficiency and strong nitrogen absorption capacity. From the perspective of production and nutrient resources, the selection of future varieties should have higher nitrogen use efficiency, stronger nitrogen absorption capacity and lower nitrogen content of straw during the harvesting period under the premise of certain yield