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  Abstract:This article is adapted from If you do not work hard,no one give you the life you want.The writer is called A Round Mass of food.He writer is a music columnist who is a contracted author of Taolu Music.And the writer is a Mayday veteran fan.In this book,the writer wrote about dreams and careers,while the latter two parts are mainly about love stories.The writer has some words.Meeting someone too early and too late,it is not a fate.If you meet someone just right that is the real fate.Love should be a kind of belonging.
  Key words:Love;Tamed;Feelings;Boyfriend;Matter
  My friend brokenhearted,cried spent makeup.Other friends said that the breakup was good for her.After all,the life purpose of good girl is that treasure own life and away from the cheating philandering feeling of men.I have heard a little bit about how my friend fell in love with the man who cheat and toy with my friend.A man who cheat and toy with my friend’s affections is very attentive when he pursue my friend.He said good night to my friend every day,he went to see movies with my friend,and went to the supermarket to buy a pile of snacks for my friend.But when my friend messaged him and called him,he almost never replied.When they two people are together,he always looked down to play his mobile phone,but nothing to say.
  He never took her to see his friends,when he called my friend occasionally,there were always noisy voices from men and women on the phone.My friend asked him what he was doing,he said that he attended a party.And my friend asked who was into party with him,he said just with some friends to party.My friend asked:“ Are you in the club?” He said:“ they are all my friends.We didn’t do any bad things.” My friend felt lost,and she felt that she like a call of spare tire,she was very angry and got to break u with him.But the next day,he held a holding rose in front of my friend:“ darling,do not pissed.” A few sweet words coaxed my friend to round and round.
  There was a rain one time,my friend did not take a umbrella,and let her boyfriend to connect her back home.He said:“ I am working over time now,darling,you take a taxi home for yourself.After that,my friend ‘s colleague secretly told my friend:“ I seem to see a girl on your boyfriend’s car last night......” My friend laughed incredulously:“ that is impossible,you must be wrong.He is obviously working overtime.” The colleague didn’t say anything more.
  My friend accidentally discovered the news of the scum male and other girl,and got an angry to ask him.He said confidence:“ she just my good friend,you don’t think about it,I love you.” One day,he was exposed the bed photos of other girl.It was the girl in the photo who sent it to my friend,and she came the heavy over my friend for status.   My friend was shaking with anger,when her boyfriend called her,she gave him a good scolding.I asked my friend:“ what do you think of him?” My friend said:“ maybe that is a favor from on one.Even if I get lost later,I also greedy for that warmth.” I said:“ Those insignificant nicety is a favor for you?” My friend said:“ Isn’t that stupid?” I said:“ you are not the only one who is stupid,I have no right to scold you.” The silly girl is easy to meet,so be tamed easily.The snack he bought for you is that good for you? He said a word- I love you,is that he like you? for him,that is the most common thing,but make you to remember his nicety,and hand over your heart.
  He gave you a ray of sunshine,you think he gave you the whole day.He sent a star,you think he gave you the whole Milky Way.He gave you a heart,you think he gave you the whole heart.Don’t think too much,girl.He can do that to everyone.I quite agree with that girls are eutrophic.If girls have independent material basis,so that they won’t bought easily by material.
  Does one person love you or not,is that not what he has to give you,but to you most want.One person is very rich,he gives you gold and silver mountain,however,does not give you love and marriage,does he love you? Girl,don’t be such a silly girl! Don’t make yourself so worthless! You deserve better one and a better life.Girl,only those who love you are worthy of your love,and only those who love you are worth taming you.
摘 要:舞台表演的效果影响因素有多种,一场优秀的舞台表演,除去演员的表演技巧、造型的精湛程度、布景的切合程度之外,舞台的灯光艺术效果也是其艺术效果展现的重要影响因素。本文首先对影响舞台表演效果的因素简要概述;其次,综合分析舞台灯光艺术效果对舞台表现效果的影响;最后,针对舞台灯光艺术效果在舞台表演中的作用进行深入的探究与分析。  关键词:舞台灯光;舞台表演;艺术效果  前言  随着经济社会的发展变化
摘 要:唐诗是中国文学史上的一颗明珠,唐代被称为诗的时代。从宋代以后,读书人的启蒙读物便是唐诗、百家诗、唐绝句选,在诗中感受唐文化的艺术魅力。到了明代,有人提出,文必秦汉,诗必盛唐。因为我们可以从中体会到,那是一个让人感到历史文化震撼的朝代。  关键词:唐诗;赏析;传统文化  一、唐诗繁盛的主要表现  唐朝的诗歌名家辈出,著名的诗人主要有:李白、杜甫、李商隐等。唐诗的数量也极为丰富,唐朝时已经有两
摘 要:20世纪西方文学批评见证了各种思想和理论的变化。50年代中期以后,随着后现代主义和女性主义的兴起,女性主义文学批评也逐渐兴起,成为一种全新的批评理论,对文学批评产生了重要影响。本文将从女性主义批评的角度对几部女性主义文学作品进行分析,并在此基础上,从联想和典故的角度,试图总结女性主义批评的特点。  关键词:女性主义批评;特点;女性  一﹑强调躯体意象的重要性  一些激进的女权主义批评者认为
摘 要:随着资本主义生产力和生产关系的矛盾进一步发展,资本主义从自由竞争阶段开始向垄断阶段过渡,加速生产和资本集中构成了资本主义发展阶段过渡时期的主要特征。德国的资本主义经济和资本主义垄断阶段是资产阶级与容克地主相互妥协下的产物,自由资产阶级在这一时期日益激烈的资本吞并过程中逐渐走向没落。这一时期的德国现实主义文学进一步发展,作家们用作品表达着自己对社会发展过程带来的弊端的批判。德国作家托马斯·曼
摘 要:乐安是革命老区,赣南原中央苏区县。今天和大家一起探讨我县的红色文化资源保护和利用开发情况。  关键词:红色文化;资源保护;利用;开发;探讨学习  一、我县红色文化资源概况  乐安是中央苏区的重要组成部分,在革命战争年代,老一辈无产阶级革命家毛泽东、周恩来、朱德、邓小平、彭德怀等都曾在乐安这块热土上进行过革命实践,指挥红军有力地粉碎了国民党军多次“围剿”,所到之处,乐安的革命运动蓬勃发展。 
摘 要:贝格爾作为社会学家从社会学的角度揭示了宗教社会伦理之要素,探讨了宗教对于人类“建造世界”和“维系世界”的作用以及这种作用的基础,本文将在此基础上反论宗教双重化,即世俗化与反世俗化,并浅谈宗教未来发展趋势。  关键词:宗教双重化;世俗化;反世俗化;未来趋势  宗教在面临着现代化的过程中,世俗化表现得尤为显著,表现出一种祛魅趋势,宗教神圣的帷幕变得不再神秘,另一方面,新型工业的兴起,宗教也在不
摘 要:婚俗中闹公婆习俗古已有之,在我国诸多民族和地区中都广泛存在。现代社会对闹公婆习俗争议颇多,一方面人们重视它的娱乐价值,另一方面又忌惮其在婚礼中制造的混乱。实际上闹公婆习俗在古代社会有特别的文化内涵,其隐藏在混乱中的蕴意实为社会恢复常态和安稳的隐喻。在前人已用通过仪礼分析闹公婆习俗内涵的基础上,笔者意图再次揭示蘊藏在闹公婆习俗中的隐喻,以此说明闹公婆习俗今非昔比的社会价值。  关键词:闹公婆
摘 要:中国的传统文化有着悠久的历史和浓厚文化内涵,对现代艺术设计都产生了很大的影响力。随着设计界对传统文化的重视,中国传统装饰纹样元素的运用逐渐走入了大众的视野,随着社会市场的需求,中国传统纹样在现代室内空间设计的应用也变得丰富多样起来。  关键词:传统文化;中国传统装饰纹样;现代室内空间  1.研究背景  在现代艺术设计过程中,将中国传统文化有机融入到现代艺术设计中,是我国当今社会发展的必然趋
摘 要:影视配音是指译制影片或电视剧时,用某种语言录音代替原片或原剧上的录音,通过声音塑造和有声语言再创造准确生动地塑造出鲜明、生动的人物形象;动画配音是通过声音展现动动画人物造型的个性和特点,两者都属于配音艺术,但是两者之前有很多不同之处,本文主要对此进行了主要分析。  关键词:影视剧配音;动画配音;不同点  配音演员的配音工作使影视作品及动画作品得以更完美的呈现,也使配音演员这个职业得到了空前
摘 要:一方水土养育一方人,独特鲜明的地域风情以及浓厚的乡土气息滋养了不同的人文风情。以献岁为切入点,并汲取了民间艺术之美融入到绘画创作中,再增添具有民俗色彩和吉祥寓意的物什来表现对美好生活的向往。其画面表现的文化内涵也极为丰富。本文运用文献法,从选材、技法语言等方面分析我的毕业创作,并从中得到感悟。  关键词:中国画;表现形式;题材  中国画家笔下的清供图与生活中的民间喜乐相结合,表现出了不同面