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已退休的他,本应在家享受天伦之乐、儿孙绕膝之喜,然而贪婪制造的原罪让他最终难逃法网,在监狱系统的买官卖官,在工程领域的大肆干扰、敛财,故作聪明的掩饰、倒卖……这一切都注定他要接受党纪国法的严惩。2015年6月5日,东营市中级人民法院对原山东里能集团有限公司总裁、党委书记曹务顺受贿案、贪污案作出宣判,依法判决曹务顺犯受贿罪、贪污罪,两罪并罚,判处其有期徒刑18年,没收个人财产人民币260万元, He who had been retired should have enjoyed his grandchildren ’music at home, his grandchildren bent on his knees. However, the original sin created by greed made him eventually escape the law and became a government official in the prison system, causing major disruptions and money-making in the field of engineering. As a clever cover up, reselling ... ... all this is doomed to accept the party punishments severely punished. On June 5, 2015, Dongying Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Cao Lishun, president and party secretary of Shandong Liner Group Co., Ltd. to accepting and accepting bribes and embezzlement cases, and convicted Cao Wuxun of accepting bribes and embezzlement according to law, and punishing him for both crimes 18 years imprisonment, confiscation of personal property 2.6 million yuan,
在小型车中,日系合资车表现最优,一汽丰田威驰和广汽丰田YARiS L 致炫排名第一;紧凑型车中,桑塔纳、轩逸、捷达名列前三;帕萨特、奥迪A4L、天籁在中型车里表现优异;而本田CR-V、逍客、丰田RAV4则成为最省油的SUV。  油耗,是消费者选购汽车的重要参考指标。而一直以来,官方油耗数据都被消费者所质疑。  今年3·15晚会上,中央电视台曝光了多家车企涉嫌油耗造假的问题,引起很大关注。今年5月上