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名称:回阳救急汤方剂组成:附片三钱干姜一钱肉桂一钱党参五钱炒白术三钱茯芩三钱陈皮二钱炙甘草钱半五味子一钱制半夏三钱麝香三厘调服加生姜三片水煎服源流发展:该方出自《伤寒六书》,(以下简称该方),作者陶华,明朝人,字尚文,号节卷,浙江余杭人。考其方实由张仲景的《四逆汤》与虞博的《六君子汤})源流而出,再加肉桂,五味子,麝香衍定而成。主治寒中三阴,阴盛阳微之证。世称善本的汪氏汤头歌诀表扬其:“三阴寒厥见奇勋”。性能效用:主治三阴寒厥证:全身畏冷,四肢冰凉,蜷卧沉重,冷汗气短,吐泻寒饮,指甲唇青,脉沉迟无力,舌质淡胖苔白而滑等。由于该方驱散寒阴,挽回垂绝 Name: Huiyang save the emergency soup prescription composition: attached to the film three Qiangan Jiang Qian money cinnamon a dangshen five money fried Atractylodes third Qiang three money Chenpi Second Qiang licorice half schisandra chinensis a money system Pinellia three money musk three melody Addition of ginger and three slices of decoction to serve in the development of origin: The party is from the “Six Therapeutics”, (hereinafter referred to as the party), the author Tao Hua, the Ming Dynasty, the word Shang Wen, the number of volumes, Zhejiang Yuhang people. Kao Fang Fang is actually created by Zhang Zhongjing’s “Sini Decoction” and Zibo’s “Liu Genzi Decoction”), which is derived from cinnamon, schisandra, and musk. Attending the cold in the three yin, Yin Shengyang micro-card. The Wang’s Song of Songs praised by the world’s famous scholars praised him: “Three shades of coldness and glory”. Performance and effectiveness: Attending three chilly cold syndrome: systemic chills, cold limbs, lying heavily, cold sweat and shortness of breath, vomiting diarrhea cold drink, nails lip green, pulse Shendiweiqi, tongue pale fat and white and slippery. As the party dispelled the coldness, it