来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juhong0226
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This paper further summarizes the method and results developed to find all possible real nets in binary n+3 phase multisystems, and emphasizes that there is a definite relationship between configurations and symbols of stable and metastable invariant points of nets or positions of phases as symbols on the chemographic bar. On the basis of these, a general principle is developed to construct and check possible neets in binary n+m (m>3) phase multisysterns: this sort of nets must be the reasonable combination of one or more than one distinct binary n+3 phase multisystem subnets, in which the number of points missing respectively same m—3 phases in n+3. Therefore, the binary n-4-3 phase nets are basic construction units of the binary n+m(m>3) phase nets. As an instance, the maximum partially closed net in binary n+4 phase multisystems, which has the most stable invariant points, is constructed, and it is indicated that this sort of net is unique. This paper further summarizes the method and results developed to find all possible real nets in binary n + 3 phase multisystems, and emphasizes that there is a definite relationship between configurations and symbols of stable and metastable invariant points of nets or positions of phases as symbols on the chemographic bar. On the basis of these, a general principle is developed to check and check possible neets in binary n + m (m> 3) phase multisysterns: this sort of nets must be the reasonable combination of one or more than one distinct binary n + 3 phase multisystem subnets, in which the number of points are respectively missing m-3 phases in n + 3. Thus, the binary n-4-3 phase nets are basic construction units of the binary n + m (m> 3) phase nets. As an instance, the maximum partially closed net in binary n + 4 phase multisystems, which has the most stable invariant points, is constructed, and it is indicated that this sort of net is unique.
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