唐太宗李世民,是我国历代封建帝王中杰出的政治家。自“玄武门之变,”他登上皇帝宝座之后,面对天下混乱,百废待举的局面,进行了一系列重大改革,使我国由此而进入了历史上少有的太平盛世。其中对隋朝创立的科举制度的改革和完善,影响尤为深远。 太宗在平定海内时,终岁栉风沐雨,无暇博览群书,研习诗词,引为平生憾事。他深知要想使政权巩固、国家兴旺发达,不能专靠武功,必须偃武修文。因而下令“解戎衣而开学校,饰贲帛而礼儒生。”太宗尊重知识,重视人才,求贤若渴的作风在历代帝王中是鲜见的。贞观时期的文化教育之盛,为前代所未有。
Taizong Li Shimin, an eminent statesman in the feudal emperors of all ages in our country. Since “Xuanwumen change,” he boarded the throne of the emperor, in the face of chaos in the world, to be in full swing, a series of major reforms, so that our country has thus entered a history of rare peace and prosperity. Among them, the reform and improvement of the system of imperial examination founded by Sui dynasty have a far-reaching impact. Taizong Pingding in the sea, the final year of wind and rain, no time to read the Book of Songs, study poetry, cited as a pardon. He knew that in order to consolidate the political power and to develop and prosper the country, he should not rely exclusively on martial arts. Thus ordered the “Rong Rong Yi and school, decorated with silk and Confucianism and Confucianism.” Taizong respect knowledge, talent, dignified style is rare in ancient emperors. Zhenguan period of cultural and educational grand, unprecedented for the past.