关于泌尿系统的霉菌感染声象图,国内外均未见有报道,现将我院所见一例报告如下: 患者女37岁已婚。有脆性糖尿病史17年曾多次因肺结核、肺炎、茀氏菌球病,(霉菌感染)伴咯血、尿路感染、酮症酸中毒住院。本次因寒战、高热一月余、排尿灼热感、腰背酸痛、腹块入院。体检:左上腹扪及5×6cm、有明显触痛的腹块,左肾区叩击痛明显,尿蛋白(+)~(+++)、WBC(++~+++)/HP、中段尿培养大肠
On the urinary system of fungal infection sonogram, both at home and abroad have not been reported, now see a hospital in our report as follows: Female 37-year-old married. 17 years of history of brittle diabetes have repeatedly hospitalized for tuberculosis, pneumonia, Crohn’s disease, (mold infection) with hemoptysis, urinary tract infection, ketoacidosis. The chills, fever more than a month, burning sensation urination, back pain, abdominal mass admission. Physical examination: 5 × 6cm palpable upper left abdomen, abdominal mass with obvious tenderness, obvious percussion pain in left kidney area, urine protein (+) ~ (+++), WBC (++ ~ +++) / HP, Middle urine culture colon