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陈汉民,清华大学美术学院教授、教学督导。1931年出生于上海,1955年毕业于中央美术学院实用美术系染织专业,并继续攻读研究生。1957年毕业于中央工艺美术学院装潢美术系并留校任教。1999年退休。曾任中国包装技术协会设计委员会主任、中国美术家协会平面艺术设计委员会主任。日前,清华大学美术学院院史编修组记者走访了陈汉民教授。在院庆50周年前夕,特刊发访谈中有关学院教学发展的部分内容。 Chen Hanmin, Tsinghua University, Professor of Fine Arts, teaching supervision. Born in 1931 in Shanghai, graduated from the Department of Applied Fine Arts of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1955 and continues to pursue postgraduate studies. In 1957 graduated from the Central Academy of Art and Decoration Art Department and stayed in school. Retired in 1999. Former China Packaging Technology Association Design Committee, China Artists Association Graphic Design Committee director. A few days ago, reporters from Tsinghua University's Academy of Fine Arts compiled a history interview with Professor Chen Hanmin. On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the celebration of the academy, some special reports on the development of teaching in the college were issued.